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Fortunato Tavilla 1950 - 1992

Fortunato Tavilla of Bronx, Bronx County, NY was born on April 14, 1950, and died at age 41 years old on January 20, 1992.
Fortunato Tavilla
Bronx, Bronx County, NY 10457
April 14, 1950
January 20, 1992
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Fortunato Tavilla's History: 1950 - 1992

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  • 04/14


    April 14, 1950
  • Military Service

    i remember my father Antonio Tavilla from Altona North , Melbourne ,Victoria 3025 had a small photo sent to him ,about 2" inches square of possibly in the late 60's of possibly FORTUNATO TAVILLA i remember he looked very young and handsome but what caught my attention was that he was in a military uniform the uniform showed his Right side face and he had a white Teeshirt and a light brown khaki colored shirt over it and dark colored front peaked hat From that in later years i figured that he was in the USMC Marines that he had been serving in the Vietnam War cos he looked about 18-21 years of age which would suit that time frame cos born Fortunato Tavilla: Military Service April 14 1950-January 20 1992 Died aged nearly 42 years of age and my dad came to my house and showed me the mailed out Pax Card of his death but hes cos of his early aged death face had changed due to possibly age and maybe Agent Orange ,, i think and it really saddened me that i lay down and had grief to know that it was possibly of the war issues faced had changed due to possibly age and maybe Agent Orange i have to say that i Thank him for his service to the USA his country and when you read about that Vietnam War he may been drafted against his will? who knows?? very sad indeed if any knows or has further knowledge extra please email at [contact link] anytime cos i feel he had a wasted life due to possibly the war
  • 01/20


    January 20, 1992
    Death date
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  • Did you know?
    Fortunato Tavilla lived 33 years shorter than the average family member when died at the age of 41.
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i remember my father Antonio Tavilla from Altona North , Melbourne ,Victoria 3025
had a small photo sent to him ,about 2" inches square
of possibly in the late 60's of possibly FORTUNATO TAVILLA
i remember he looked very young and handsome but what caught my attention was that he was in a military uniform
the uniform showed his left side face and he had a white Teeshirt and a light brown khaki colored shirt over it
and dark colored peaked hat From that in later years i figured that he was in the USMC Marines
that he had been serving in the Vietnam War cos he looked about 18-21 years of age which would suit that time frame cos born
Fortunato Tavilla: Military Service

April 14 1950-January 20 1992 aged neary 42 years of age and my dad came to my house and showed me the Pax Card of his death but hes cos of his early aged death face had changed due to possibly age and maybe Agent Orange ,,i think
and it really saddened me that i lay down and had grief to know that it was possibly of the war issues face had changed due to possibly age and maybe Agent Orange
i have to say that i Thank him for hes service to the USA his country and when you read about that Vietnam War he may been drafted against his will? who knows?? very sad indeed

if any knows or has further knowledge extra please email at
[contact link] anytime
cos i feel he had a wasted life due to possibly the war
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