Eldia Carter - Electa Carter
People with the last name Carter are listed below.
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People named Eldia Carter - Electa Carter
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Carter from Eldia Carter - Electa Carter
Eldia Carter (Jul 31, 1904 - Aug 1978)
Eldie Carter (Dec 6, 1908 - Aug 1974)
Eldin Carter
Eldis Carter (May 15, 1919 - Apr 1993)
Eldon Carter
Eldor Carter (Jun 11, 1924 - Oct 14, 1973)
Eldora Carter
Eldra Carter (Nov 30, 1931 - Mar 29, 1988)
Eldred Carter
Eldren Carter (Mar 5, 1911 - Oct 12, 1990)
Eldress Carter (Oct 4, 1923 - Mar 25, 2001)
Eldrick Carter (Born c. 1984)
Eldrid Carter (Dec 5, 1906 - Dec 1974)
Eldridge Carter
Eldron Carter (Dec 20, 1922 - Sep 29, 2010)
Elduth Carter-Perry (May 4, 1929 - May 11, 2005)
Eleander Carter (Mar 22, 1929 - Feb 20, 2010)
Eleanor Carter
Eleanora Carter
Eleanore Carter
Elease Carter
Eleaser Carter (Jul 12, 1928 - May 10, 1997)
Elec Carter (Dec 5, 1921 - Oct 28, 1990)
Eleck Carter (Jun 1, 1913 - Aug 14, 1998)
Electa Carter
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