Buddie Turner - Burdetta Turner
People with the last name Turner are listed below.
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People named Buddie Turner - Burdetta Turner
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Turner from Buddie Turner - Burdetta Turner
Buddie Turner
Buddy Turner
Buel Turner
Buelah Turner (Mar 12, 1920 - May 14, 1991)
Buell Turner
Buellah Turner (Mar 20, 1929 - Feb 10, 2006)
Buena Turner
Buford Turner
Bula Turner
Bulah Turner
Buland Turner (Jul 7, 1899 - Oct 1977)
Buleah Turner (Jan 16, 1944 - Apr 10, 2011)
Bules Turner (Dec 20, 1941 - May 1981)
Buna Turner (Nov 7, 1923 - Nov 7, 1992)
Bunice Turner (Oct 13, 1893 - Dec 1978)
Bunie Turner (Jan 11, 1902 - Sep 1982)
Bunn Turner (Sep 12, 1917 - Apr 1971)
Bunny Turner (Dec 5, 1916 - Apr 17, 1983)
Bura Turner (Apr 11, 1905 - Feb 1984)
Burb Turner (Dec 26, 1909 - Aug 1973)
Burch Turner (May 8, 1893 - Dec 1977)
Burchel Turner (Apr 19, 1933 - Aug 21, 2002)
Burchell Turner (Feb 28, 1906 - Jul 1976)
Burdetta Turner (Born c. 1917)
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