Wilmeretta Turner - Winfield Turner
People with the last name Turner are listed below.
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People named Wilmeretta Turner - Winfield Turner
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Turner from Wilmeretta Turner - Winfield Turner
Wilmeretta Turner (Born c. 1959)
Wilmeth Turner (Aug 14, 1911 - Jul 24, 1990)
Wilmon Turner (Apr 13, 1907 - Jun 23, 1999)
Wilmot Turner
Wilmoth Turner (Jan 29, 1918 - Feb 6, 1999)
Wilmuth Turner (Dec 22, 1913 - Nov 1981)
Wilna Turner
Wilnora Turner (Dec 13, 1921 - Aug 1987)
Wilse Turner (Sep 16, 1908 - Apr 1981)
Wilsie Turner (Apr 7, 1901 - Jan 1970)
Wilson Turner
Wilton Turner
Winbray Turner (May 3, 1890 - Oct 1968)
Wincel Turner (Oct 5, 1922 - Jan 1995)
Wincie Turner (Aug 18, 1904 - Dec 1974)
Windell Turner
Windle Turner
Windsor Turner (Nov 22, 1935 - Aug 6, 2008)
Windy Turner (Born c. 1970)
Winfer Turner (Sep 3, 1922 - Feb 10, 1994)
Winferd Turner (Mar 29, 1921 - Dec 11, 1997)
Winfield Turner
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