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Hyman Rothman 1917 - 1978

Hyman Rothman of Kings County, New York United States was born on January 11, 1917 at Manhattan, New York City, New York, NY, USA in New York, New York County, and died at age 61 years old on October 14, 1978. Hyman Rothman was buried at Wellwood Cemetery 1400 Wellwood Ave, in West Babylon, Suffolk County.
Hyman Rothman
Kings County, New York United States
January 11, 1917
Manhattan, New York City, New York, NY, USA in New York, New York County, New York, United States
October 14, 1978
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Hyman Rothman's History: 1917 - 1978

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  • Introduction

    Hyman Rothman was born on January 11, 1917 in Manhattan, New York City, New York, NY. He worked as a waiter in the city and enlisted in the US Army on September 9, 1942, at Fort Jay Governors Island in New York City. He joined the Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, which was a specialized branch of the Army that trained personnel for specific tasks such as piloting aircraft, handling radar equipment, and performing technical duties. Rothman's rank at the time of enlistment was Private, Selectees (enlisted men) and his enlistment branch was the Army. On September 23, 1942, just two weeks after his initial enlistment, Rothman started his formal military service. Over the course of the next few years, he received training and was assigned to various military units based on his skills and the Army's needs. Rothman's discharge date was June 23, 1945, marking the end of his military service. His discharge date suggests that he was present during the closing stages of the war in Europe and likely took part in the final offensive against the Axis Powers.
  • 01/11


    January 11, 1917
    Manhattan, New York City, New York, NY, USA in New York, New York County, New York United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was white.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Hyman was born and raised in New York City.
  • Early Life & Education

    At the time of his enlistment, he had completed three years of high school.
  • Military Service

    Hyman Rothman, with military serial number 32498470, enlisted in the US Army on September 9, 1942, at Fort Jay Governors Island in New York City. He joined the Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, which was a specialized branch of the Army that trained personnel for specific tasks such as piloting aircraft, handling radar equipment, and performing technical duties. Rothman's rank at the time of enlistment was Private, Selectees (enlisted men), and he was enrolled for the duration of the war or other emergency, plus an additional six months, subject to the discretion of the President or as per the law. His enlistment branch was the Army, which suggests that he was assigned to serve in one of the various Army units. On September 23, 1942, just two weeks after his initial enlistment, Rothman started his formal military service. Over the course of the next few years, he received training and was assigned to various military units based on his skills and the Army's needs. However, as a Warrant Officer, he may have been assigned to specialized roles rather than being part of a traditional military unit. Rothman's discharge date was June 23, 1945, marking the end of his military service. His discharge date suggests that he was present during the closing stages of the war in Europe and likely took part in the final offensive against the Axis Powers.
  • Professional Career

    Hyman worked as a waiter.
  • 10/14


    October 14, 1978
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Wellwood Cemetery 1400 Wellwood Ave, in West Babylon, Suffolk County, New York 11704, United States
    Burial location
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