

Updated: May 12, 2024
Viewing old photos grouped by decades and eras offers a unique perspective on the past and its impact on the present.

Looking at old photos is like taking a step back in time, allowing us to see how people dressed, interacted, and celebrated in the past. It's fascinating to observe the differences in clothing styles, social norms, and cultural traditions from one generation to the next. These photos can give us a better understanding of the values, beliefs, and attitudes that were prevalent during a particular era, and help us appreciate the progress that has been made over time.

For many of us, old family photos hold a special place in our hearts. They offer a unique glimpse into the lives of our ancestors, and help us trace our family history back through the generations. Looking at these photos can be an emotional experience, as we connect with the faces and stories of those who came before us. They remind us of our roots, and help us understand how our family has changed over time. Ultimately, old photos have the power to bring us closer to our past, and help us appreciate the legacy that has been passed down to us.
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20th Century

20th Century
20th Century
Photos of the 1900's which brought us from the industrial age to the technological age.
From 1900 through 1999 we witnessed the beginning of flight to a man on the moon and a Mars Rover. We went from using phones tethered by cords and computers that filled rooms, to carrying the equivale...
473k+ photos
After the "Gay Nineties", 1900 - 1909 was a quieter time
This decade began with a lot of changes: After 63+ years on throne, Queen Victoria died. William McKinley was assassinated and Teddy Roosevelt became President. Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the fir...
1.38k+ photos
Discover the 1910's - a decade of upheaval.
World War 1, the Mexican Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Easter Rising in Ireland . . . the sinking of the Titanic and the Lusitania. Spanish flu killed well over 20 million people world wide ...
58.7k+ photos
The 1920s Changed Our Daily Lives & Not How You Might Think . . .
In the 1920's life changed drastically for the average American and for people all over the world. Airplanes began to be a mode of transportation and communication. Automobiles, rather than horses, ...
42.8k+ photos
The decade of the worldwide Great Depression
The 1930's were a decade of severe stress: the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, the rise of Nazism. But it was also the end of Prohibition, the beginning of the change of land management (poor farm ...
153k+ photos
The 1940's - a decade of hard work
Coming out of the Great Depression, the world faced another challenge in the 1940's: World War II. Although the war began in the 1930's, it expanded and gained in ferocity (and atrocities) in the 194...
194k+ photos
The Eisenhower Years - A Time of Optimism and Growth
After the Great Depression and World War II, everyone was ready to take a breath and have fun. Population boomed, families moved to the suburbs, television (by the end of the decade) would be in most...
32.2k+ photos
The 1960's - years of chaos and change
The 1960's were years of great change: Protests (Vietnam War, Free Speech, Civil Rights), assassinations (JFK, Martin Luther King Jr, Bobby Kennedy), conflict (the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War, ...
16.7k+ photos
The people and places that defined the 1970's
Disco, polyester, Nixon and Watergate, equal rights, the "new right", the rise of terrorism . . . oh what a decade. Not much was resolved but a lot happened!
14.4k+ photos
The 1980s were the beginning of modern technology, globalization, new music, & 'New Hollywood'
The 1980s was the birth of the Millennial generation. Reagan, Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher. The end of the Cold War. The fall of the Berlin Wall. The Internet. Terrorist attacks in Beirut, Lockerbie...
1.72k+ photos
The decade when electronics came into their own
Grunge and hip hop. "Slackers" and "Valley Girls". The continuing spread of the Internet. The Gulf war. Rwanda. The first World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing. Presidents Bill Clin...
1.33k+ photos


The 1800s where the end of the industrial revolution and the birth of scientists.
The Industrial Revolution began around 1760 and ran through the 1840's. Then began the birth of the profession of science. Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Te...
84.1k+ photos
Paintings of our ancestors - we didn't have photographs yet!
Paintings of people who lived in the 18th century. So much happened in their lives - the steam engine was invented, the first steps of the Industrial Revolution were taken, the American revolution, th...
4.83k+ photos
While photography didn't exist in the 1600s, these photos and paintings give us a glimpse into the people of the 17th century.
The 1600s was a century of great change and important historical events. It was a time of growth, expansion, and new discoveries. The 1600s was a crucial period in the development of many societies ar...
2.63k+ photos
Browse the history of 2000-2009 through vintage photographs.
1.38k+ photos
Yeah, it's not ancient history, but time flies and the 2010s will be looked back upon like the 1910s soon enough!
1.44k+ photos
Photos from the past 20 years of people we love and cherish.
12.8k+ photos
Truly ancient pictures from before 1600
We didn't have photos before the mid 1800's, but we do have paintings and sculptures. These are some of the representations of people and places before 1600.
3.77k+ photos
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