
History of Valentines Day - Sweethearts & Romance

Updated on Feb 14, 2023. Originally added on Feb 14, 2017 by Kathy Pinna

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to remember the ones who made your heart skip a beat. The parents who nurtured you, the spouses and partners who stood by your side, and yes even the exes who taught you valuable lessons.

These photos of old Valentine's cards, sweethearts, and couples from the past are a beautiful reminder that love never changes, only the ways in which we express it. For over a thousand years, people all over the world have set aside a day to celebrate love in all its forms - from family and friends to romantic partners.

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Photos of Romance, Sweethearts, and Lovers moment please loading spinner

Schrafft's Valentine's Day, 1948

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What says Valentine's Day better than a box of chocolates? :)

1800's - "My Sweetheart"

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A Currier and Ives print - ain't she fancy?

"The Summer girl and her sweetheart"

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1897 photo showing that some things never change (except the fashion).


1861 Harper's Weekly

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Showing what you should do on Valentine's Day in 1861!

Prang's Valentine Cards

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1883, the push to manufactured cards

Her Marine was in France, WW I

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Tom Lanagan
9 favorites
shared on 09/27/2013

She gave him her photo to carry.

High School Sweethearts

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Photo of Greg Carroll Greg Carroll
10 favorites
shared on 11/05/2014

A Senior trip in 1943 Texas


World War II sweethearts

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Photo of Greg Carroll Greg Carroll
10 favorites
shared on 11/05/2014

They married after the war.

1950's Valentine Card

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Remember handing out cards like this in school? Watch video

High School Sweethearts

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1967 Washington

1941 Sweethearts

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Photo of Peter Phelps Peter Phelps
11 favorites
shared on 09/16/2014

"Ann and her sweetheart"

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Found photo - all that's known is that it says "Ann and her sweetheart". Looks like the 1920's?

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