
We All Deserve to be Remembered: AncientFaces - 20 years in 2020

Updated on Apr 27, 2023. Originally added on Dec 06, 2020 by Daniel Pinna

How in the world is it that when our loved ones die we have only their social media accounts to remember them by? Why is it all that’s left online is a memorial page consisting of a tombstone and an obituary, and if you’re fortunate enough to have a writer in the family, MAYBE there is an obituary consisting of three paragraphs about who the person was?

People are important in life and in death. How our loved ones and ancestors lived their lives, what they did with their time, and who they impacted - is important.

We all Deserve to be Remembered, and it is up to us, the people that knew them, to show & tell their stories before our memories get lost in history.

AncientFaces is Where We Remember

Over the last 20 years we've seen tens of millions of people show that they agree that Everyone Deserves to be Remembered (EDtbR). It is up to each and every one of us to share our memories & family stories of those people important to us. Through storytelling & sharing who these people really were, we unlock meaningful connections with people today, and the potential of new discoveries tomorrow.

In 2020, to celebrate our 20 year milestone & to share this mission with the world we've released our first video. If you live in our neighborhood in Silicon Valley you might have noticed the spot on your favorite television channels ;)

Thank you - each and every one of you - for your role in making AncientFaces a family-friendly community and the place to remember & celebrate the lives of people who matter to us.

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We All Deserve to be Remembered: AncientFaces - 20 years in 2020

Do we ALL Deserve to be Remembered?

Sometimes we are asked 'do we ALL really deserve to be remembered?' What about those notorious faces from the past like Adolf Hitler? Our response: Of course we do!

Why? Because it's important to remember the past. It's okay to judge, but it's never acceptable to forget or re-write history. When we forget history we are doomed to repeat it. We need to remember the good and the bad, understand the why & how, so that history stops repeating itself.

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