

Updated: February 8, 2025
It takes all types to make the world go round.

These photo collections are tagged with topics related to professions, cultures, the military, and popular moments from our lives.
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Remembering people who entertained us through the decades with special moments captured on film.
Entertainers, whether they be musicians, actors, celebrities, or dancers, heavily influence our culture and impact our individual lives. These photos, many of recognizable people from our past, will e...
39.6k+ photos
African Americans
African Americans
See the faces of just some of the many African Americans who have contributed to building the United States into the country it is today.
African Americans in the early history of the United States had an extremely difficult start as immigrants. Having been primarily forced to immigrate to a new continent, African Americans worked throu...
4.02k+ photos
Women's Suffrage
Women's Suffrage
The history of women's struggle for the right to vote.
Well into the 20th century, women in many countries did not have the right to vote. It wasn't until 1920 that women had the right to vote in the United States. This is a visual history of women's str...
272 photos
Native Americans
Native Americans
Images of the Native American people - the tribes, their dress, and their lifestyles. We honor and celebrate Native American history with this collection of historic photos.
The best way to understand the people who first inhabited North America, Native Americans, is through their own words. The following quotes contain some of the wisdom passed down through generations o...
1.44k+ photos
Discover the lives and legacies of notable celebrities from the past, like Bette Davis and John Wayne, by browsing photographs of them in their prime.
The lasting impact of celebrities from the past cannot be denied; they continue to be an essential part of our cultural history. Through their talent, charisma, and unique personalities, they entertai...
3.81k+ photos
Iconic and evocative, historical television photos capture pivotal moments in time.
The historical impact of television is immense and far-reaching, fundamentally transforming the way we receive information, experience entertainment, and interact with the world. The history of tele...
642 photos
The people and places that live on in our memories - not for good reasons but because of how they shocked and saddened.
Images of serial killers, mass murderers, despots and dictators, prisons, and the victims of these horrors. These people & places live on in infamy in our history. There are the notorious killers: Th...
2.98k+ photos
U.S. Presidents: their official portraits and other photos showing them as you may not have seen them before.
Technically, John Hanson (who was President of the First Continental Congress) was really the first President of the United States. However, most people call George Washington "the Father of our Coun...
296 photos
Baby Photos
Baby Photos
Ain't they cute? Look at these cute baby photos taken over the past 150 years.
From birth to 3 months, babies learn to smile, raise their heads and chests, and track objects and grip them. From 4 to 6 months, they can roll over, babble (no real words yet), sit up, laugh, and gr...
4.02k+ photos
Friendships are the most important relationships. These snapshots of buddies and pals will likely remind you of your lifelong friends.
I get by with a little help from my friends. - The Beatles, 1967 Aristotle described a true friend as a “single soul dwelling in two bodies.” Time and/or distance don't matter in a real friendshi...
4.39k+ photos
Miners & Prospectors
Miners & Prospectors
Photos of the harsh living and working conditions of miners and prospectors and of the men who endured this life.
The lives of miners and prospectors involved grueling, backbreaking, and dangerous work with long hours and low pay. Especially in coal mining: workers and their families lived in company housing, sh...
4.34k+ photos
The singers and musicians who have entertained us.
Believed to have been in existence for over 55,000 years, music has been some part of every culture, everywhere. From the human voice (which may have been the first "instrument") to pipes, flutes, and...
4.87k+ photos
Original photos of the politicians and political events throughout the past few centuries.
Welcome to a collection of photographs that document the fascinating history of politics. From democracies to monarchies, communism to fascism, and everything in between, this page captures the divers...
17.9k+ photos
Churches and the people who led and attended them.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama XIV Originally a colony of Great Britain and under the rule of King George III, the Founding Fathers of the United Sates were opposed ...
47.0k+ photos
Portrait photographs and paintings of our loved ones and ancestors.
Before photos we had paintings of family members - most usually these were reserved for the well off. The era of modern photography began with the daguerreotype, in 1839. Since the advent of photogr...
53.7k+ photos
Authors & Journalists
Authors & Journalists
Popular and forgotten authors & journalists who made their reputation from their words rather then their faces.
Journalism has been defined as "writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation." An author, however, has freer rein - often weav...
218 photos
Old photos of workers and businesses from past decades
While we don't know what the first business transaction was, it is easy to imagine that thousands of years ago a good hunter bartered his excess meat for something more useful to him. In the history ...
115k+ photos
Child labor
Child labor
When children supported their families and were a part of the workplace economy.
Throughout history, children have been a source of labor for societies - mainly as servants, helping out on the family farm, or as apprentices. But the Industrial Revolution changed the situation of c...
91 photos
Photos of fraternal organizations and their members since photography was first used over 150 years ago.
Do you use Facebook or Linked In? Both are current of examples of ways of networking - but fraternal organizations are the time-tested way to network. Without the internet, a fraternal order allowed ...
1.33k+ photos
Newspaper hawkers, aka newsboys or newsies - the boys, and sometimes girls, who sold newspapers on city streets around the turn of the 20th century.
"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" That's what we hear when we think of newsies. But the actual plight of homeless children of the mid to late 1800's and the early 1900's doesn't fit the image of a we...
156 photos
It is probable that everyone has one - or maybe even a few - royal ancestors. Are you related to royalty? Keep reading to discover photos of your royals.
Everyone alive now is probably related to royalty. So say scientists and genealogists. Why? Because the further back in time you go, the fewer people were alive and the more the chance that there was ...
15.6k+ photos
Thanks to these photographers we have these historic moments captured in time.
“Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution.” – Ansel Adams, photographer, 1902 - 1984 A photo tr...
41.0k+ photos
Historically called "vaqueros" these cowboys were the heroes of the Wiled West in the U.S. from the 1800s through 1900s.
The word "cowboy" is a direct translation of the Spanish word "vaquero" - literally, cow man, referring to men who took care of cattle. In the Americas, the tradition of vaqueros dates back to the 16t...
672 photos
Honorable men and women throughout history who educate and protect us from the hazards of fire.
Where there are people, there are structures - and where there are structures, there are fires. Professional and volunteer firefighters are among the most important people in a society. Even ancient R...
499 photos
Did you know medics, doctors and nurses used to prescribe narcotics as treatment?
Radium water, cough syrup made of alcohol, marijuana, and morphine, cocaine toothache drops for children, snake oil - medicine has changed quite a bit in the past 100 years or so, as has the way that ...
12.9k+ photos
Historic photos of those who have sworn to "serve and protect" - the first responders in dangerous situations.
"His job involves putting others' needs ahead of yours." - a policeman's wife. This quote sums up the life of most policemen and women and their families. Whether federal, state, or local law enforcem...
3.18k+ photos
Brave adventurers & explorers who ventured around the globe, and some who went outside the world to explore space.
Humans have always been curious about what is over the next rise or what they can they discover about the world around them. Whether it's the land, the seas, or the skies, the urge to move beyond the ...
99 photos


Images honoring the brave men & women who served in the armed forces, and photos of wars & conflicts from around the world.
These photos capture moments in military history. They show past events, battles, military campaigns, and images of those who served, providing a unique perspective of their sacrifices and triumph. T...
16.7k+ photos
These photos showcase the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who have served in the army.
The army has played a pivotal role throughout history, defending nations, promoting peace, and supporting humanitarian efforts. The people and battles serve as a vivid reminder of our loved ones' crit...
3.76k+ photos
Air Force
Air Force
Browse through the vintage photographs of the Air Force's brave men and women, who were responsible for conducting aerial warfare and related operations.
In addition to the U.S. Air Force, there are many other air forces around the world that also serve their respective countries and contribute to global peacekeeping efforts: The Royal Air Force in the...
850 photos
Photos of the Marines and the brave men & women who serve their countries.
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is one of the seven branches of the US military, and it has played a vital role in shaping the country's history. Established in 1775, the Marine Corps has been i...
3.01k+ photos
Old photos featuring the courageous men and women of the navy.
Throughout history, navies have played crucial roles in trade, exploration, and warfare, securing coastlines, protecting shipping lanes, and projecting power across the seas. These vintage photos of n...
2.00k+ photos
Wars & Conflicts
Wars & Conflicts
Wars and conflicts have been a significant aspect of human history, shaping nations and societies for centuries.
They are often sparked by political, economic, and social factors, as well as by differences in ideology, religion, and ethnicity. These conflicts have led to the rise and fall of empires, the creatio...
4.01k+ photos
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