
Lost & Found Family Photos

Updated on May 03, 2023. Originally added on Oct 15, 2020 by Kathy Pinna

These Lost & Found photos may have been found in dumpsters, in the walls or attic when remodeling old homes, inherited from a distant family member, or sold at flea markets or antique stores.

They may have been in treasured family albums, with or without names, but no one knows who they are and how they fit into the family. The one thing that all of these photos have in common is this:
They all are orphan photos that have lost their families.

The AncientFaces Community is full of people who invest their time to reunite these photos with family members. These photos below are just a few of the thousands of Lost & Found photos waiting to be re-united.

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The Philippines? Cuba? Puerto Rico?

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All of these countries have been suggested as his background. The back of the photo says "Alfredo to Lucella"

Those eyes!

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The eyes on both the dog and the little girl. Any clues as to when this was? And perhaps more importantly, do you know her name?

Sailor suit - so cute

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The photo says Mark Twedt at the bottom and it was taken in Iowa - a lot of clues for one photo. Do you know the Twedt family or are you related?



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Such a great smile as she cycles towards the camera. This little girl could still be alive.

1932 Chicago

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It looks like their names are Marie and Dena. They may be nurses? And "1932" is written on the front. But the back says "194-" They all seem to be clues but they are confusing ones.


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"Heads up or there is going to be a fearful crash" written on the back of the photo. A comment on the size of the hats? Someone must see something that is a clue to at least the date?


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Lovely wedding, lovely people. Someone must know this bride and groom?


Flapper style?

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The owner thinks that she looks like a "flapper". If so, this photo was taken in the 1920s. She certainly has a great smile!

Happy Baby Boy?

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The owner thinks that this photo is from Iowa or Oregon. He certainly looks happy and well loved.

1890's Fashion?

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Her face is sweet, her sleeves say 1890s fashion - do you recognize her or do you see other clues to her identity?

Found in central Texas

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Other than where the photo was found, no other clues are on this photo. What do you think - the 1940s?

Battle Creek, Michigan

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It's so exciting when there's at least a location! Although this photo is colorized, the red hair seems to suit her. Can you claim her?

Son of Della Wilson Briggs

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So close! His mother's name is known but not his. Even the location is known - Dubuque, Iowa.


Houston TX?

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Photo of Diane Soffar Diane Soffar
84 favorites
shared on 09/21/2018

Found in the Garfinkel/Soffar/Gamache family album, someone has to know this family!

Gassagne family?

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Found in the Gassagne family album, the owner doesn't know if this is her great grandmother. Can you help?

1909 Chicago IL

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A date is known. A place is known. Even their first names are known. But the owner doesn't know their surname or who they are. On the back: "Compliments of George & Louise, Hello Kid! Here is a Photo of two that didn't have anything else to do. --"

Family Found!

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Shared in 2007, this photo was reunited with family in 2008. Read the story by clicking on the photo.

Saw His Grandfather!

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Found in Ontario Canada, a great grandson finally saw his grandfather. And the person who found the photo did a lot of family research. (Of course, that's a lot of children. There have to be a lot of descendants!)

Distant Family Reunited

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Sometimes the connection comes when distant relatives are reunited. That's what happened when a great grandchild shared this photo. It's a great story!

"Hugh and Dollie Pierce"

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Found in Santa Cruz CA and purchased by the submitter, only the names were written on the back. Is that enough to reunite them with family?

"Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Hanson Peterson"

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Found at an antique store, the original photo has gone missing from the purchasers files. Nonetheless, someone may be thrilled to see this Peterson photo from South Dakota?

"Greenwood Hardy age 5"

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Such a cutie - I'd gladly claim her as family! And as a bonus, the purchaser of the photo has added lots of family information. Click on the photo and then on Greenwood's biography.

Central Texas Fashion-plate

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No name, no location - but the photo was bought in Central Texas. Do you recognize her or her lace dress?

Unknown boy - Halloween?

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He certainly looks ready for trick-or-treating - unless he tries to use those crutches, in which case he'd break his little neck. But someone must recognize that cute little face peeking out from all of those bandages?

The AncientFaces community rescues these one-of-a-kind photos and thousands more to reunite them with family. Each and every single one of these orphan photos represents a life, is special, and deserves a home with a loved one.

Take a look at the Lost & Found photos to see if you recognize a face. Do you recognize any clues that can shed light on locations or dates? Do you potentially recognize a face in one of these photos? Leave a comment - every voice counts!

Looking to help reunite "Lost and Found" photos? Visit the Lost and Found topic. Need some inspiration? Click "next page" to see some of the Success Stories made at AncientFaces.

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