
Jennie Kellar Baranick

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Jennie Kellar Baranick
A photo of Jennie (Kellar) Baranick (1929 - 2010)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Jennie (Kellar) Baranick
My mother (Jennie) had a very difficult life. She was born in 1929 and spent her childhood during the economic misery of the Great Depression. Her family lifed along the Missouri River in North Dakota. Her parents had 15 children. Only 11 of the children survived to adulthood. The family was very poor. They lived in an earthen dug out for many years--- ( a hill with a section that was dug out and covered with plant material 'thatched type' --- Snakes lived in the roof -- Consequently she and many of her siblings were insanely afraid of snakes.) My grandfather Charlie later on the same "squatters rights" land built a very small cabin (approximately 12' by12') . He grew a vegetable garden, fished and hunted in order to earn money to maintain his family the best he could at that time. At an early age many of the children were sent to live with relatives that they might have it better in life. My mother (Jennie) was sent to the Koch relatives in Minnesota. There she met a man from the Nord family. They married and had four children. That marriage did not work out so well. Years later she returned to North Dakota where she met Joseph Baranick, the man who she married and had a fifth child. ( I am child #5). Joseph ran a gas station which was about a block and a half from where her parents were then living. (As times became a little better her parents were able to purchase a tiny home in the town.) She spent the first 8 years of her marriage to Joseph in that little North Dakota town. Later my dad (Joseph) my mom (Jennie) and I (Tina) moved to California where I live now. Jennie, as well as Joseph, lived in California until their passing.
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