
Leland Forrest Belew

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Leland Forrest Belew
A photo of Leland Forrest Belew
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Leland Forrest Belew
Leland Forrest Belew was born on February 25, 1925, in Salem, Missouri. He completed his education at Salem High School in 1944, and on the very day he departed for combat duty, September 15, 1944, he exchanged vows with his childhood sweetheart, Helen Jerena Scheidemantel. Serving in the US Army from 1943 to 1946, he became a distinguished veteran of World War II, where he courageously served in the European Theater with the 70th Division, known as The Trailblazers. For his valorous service, he was honored with the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. Following the war, he furthered his education and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from The Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, now known as the University of Missouri-Rolla. His career trajectory took a remarkable turn when he learned of the burgeoning missile program in Huntsville, Alabama, while working for the Tennessee Valley Authority in Knoxville, Tennessee. This led him to become a Design Engineer for the von Braun Rocket Development Program in May 1951, immersing himself in the world of rocketry and propulsion systems. His work at the Marshall Space Flight Center involved designing, testing, and producing rocket engines, and he made significant contributions to the fast start system for large rocket propulsion engines. These advancements ultimately played a crucial role in enabling the United States to achieve the historic moon landing. In 1958, he assumed the role of Manager of Engine Programs for MSFC, where he orchestrated the research, development, and production of engine projects for NASA's Apollo Manned Space Flight Program, including the iconic Saturn V engines that propelled astronauts to the moon. Additionally, he played a key role in managing the Skylab Program at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, an initiative that resulted in the world's first space station. Mr. Belew was not only an accomplished engineer and space expert but also a prolific writer. He authored numerous papers, reports, and books, including the editorship of "Skylab: Our First Space Station," which was recognized with a "Certificate of Merit" by the D.C. chapter of the Society for Technical Communications. Moreover, his co-authored book "Skylab: A Guidebook," created with Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, was honored with a Blue Pencil Award from the Federal Editors Association and was even reprinted in Russia in the Russian Language, attesting to its international acclaim. His enduring legacy as a pioneer in space exploration, a decorated veteran, and an accomplished author continues to inspire generations and will forever be remembered in the annals of human achievements.
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