
Lyle G Thompson

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Lyle G Thompson
A photo of Lyle G Thompson.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Lyle G Thompson
Eulogy for Lyle Thompson Read by Deborah Thompson Teson and Duane Thompson March 3, 2006 As you can imagine, the family has done a lot of talking about dad this week. This is a small collection of our thoughts. We are thankful dad was there all through our lives. He patiently taught us many things including “new math” and how to drive. Mom got the fun of actually driving with us. Doug remembers dad’s teachings as a Boy Scout leader. Dad taught us the importance of religion. We remember dad’s patience in dealing with overflowing tubs, clogged toilets, broken screen doors, and big, glass apple cider jugs being crashed together on the stairs. Duane and I are still amazed at how well he handled us playing flashlight tag in the garage and scratching the entire side of his new Buick. Dad was gracious when the Vodka was watered down. He always shared the candy from the stash in his closet, even if he wasn’t expecting to. Dad let us know he cared, even if it meant waiting by the back door half the night. Everyone agreed dad made the greatest fudge. His homemade doughnuts were good too. We especially enjoyed the sight of his pancakes dripping from the ceiling. We loved it when mom and dad walked to the Dairy Queen- it meant we were getting Dilly Bars. We talked about the anticipation of doughnuts after church. The question was always, “Will dad turn left?” We all remember fun with mom and dad at the Berwyn Roller Skating Rink and the drive-in movies. Memories of camping, hiking and the big yellow rubber raft make us smile. Those who saw dad’s famous motorcycle ride laugh about it. Dad showed us how to make the best of a bad situation. Rather than repair a hole kicked in the wall he turned it into a card table and chair storage space. He turned the Playboy Bunny sticker and racing stripe that were put on Volkswagen Bus into a tracking device. Everyone in town knew where the Thompson’s bus was. Mom and dad showed us the love to be found in the extended family. We had great times with Aunt Janet and Uncle George’s family. Grandma Maurer was always welcome in our house. Laura remembers trips to the Shady Maple Buffet. Melissa, Katie, Laura, and Mary remember playing red-light green-light in Grandmom and Pop-Pop’s back yard. Duane says Kanuk, the neighbor’s husky, would have spoken about the steak tid-bits dad gave him. Cathy liked the way dad used salt and pepper shakers to enhance his story. We remember dad enjoying dancing, photography, painting, the space program, summer vacations, traveling, McDonald’s for breakfast, playing bridge, and going to dinner with Pat and George Jacobs. We remember mom and dad taking walks around the block and in the woods. Who could forget them cuddling in the cuddler. Dad had a great love for his children, grand children and great grand children. The biggest love of his life was mom. Mom and dad allowed us each to form our own family unit and hold it as our first priority. Their example as parents and spouses will continue to help us through life. As Cathy says, dad has a lot of wisdom. Although we may not be able to pick the phone up and call you dad, we know you will be listening. If we follow your example you won’t have seen the last of us either. We loves ya dad!

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