
Mary & Gabe Batchelor

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Mary & Gabe Batchelor
A photo of Mary Emma (Leahy) Batchelor with son, Gabe
People in photo include: Mary Batchelor and Gabe Batchelor
Date & Place: in Finchville, Shelby County, Kentucky 40022, United States
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Jack T Batchelor
He was a veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. He served in the US Army, The US Navy, and was a Merchant Seaman for over 30 years. He was married to Mary Emma Leahy Batchelor (1934-2011) for 53 years. They were married June 21, 1955. They were parents to Jack Jr (born 1956), Mary Ellen *born 1957), Eric Gabriel James, and others. He loved her very much, and I am proud to call him my dad. He taught me - among other things - how to play chess, how to tie knots and splice line, and about history. He taught me the importance of keeping one's word. There are many things about him of which I could brag, and shortcomings which all but One are guilty of. I will instead paraphrase Hamlet: "He was a man, take him for all in all. I shall not see his like again." Thank you for the stories, Pop. Thank you for the jokes, the chess, and all the history lessons about John Wayne, Audey Murphy, and everything and everyone that you shared with me. I miss you and will always hold you and Mom in my heart. I kept my lines tight and my gangway secure, pop - just like you told me to. See you when I make port... -Gabriel Batchelor
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E. Gabriel Batchelor
I am Jack T Batchelor's youngest son.
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