
Maxine Dilley on her first birthday

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Maxine Dilley on her first birthday
What a little cutie! On the back of the photo is written "Maxine Dilley Taken the day she was 1 year old." The (to) address section (it's a photo postcard) says, "Mr & Mrs A. E. Dilley." No locations or photographers are identified. This is the only information I have specifically about this photo.

I purchased this in a huge lot of photos from Ebay. They have no traceable history as the seller got them from someone who checks the dumpsters behind estate sales around several states in the midwest! I can only list what is on the individual photos themselves as they all came from different places. That's why I'm posting as many photos as I can, so any more of their history isn't lost. I would be interested to know if they help any family researchers though.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Natalia Unknown
I collect (for personal interest and love, not profit) old photos, firstly of families, especially large families, and secondarily of children, groups of siblings, etc. I am also very interested in family histories. I want to share some of the pictures that I have that have names to them, in the hopes they might fill in some missing pieces for unknown family researchers.
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