People named Alvin Kettler
Below are 2 people with the first name Alvin and the last name Kettler. Try the Kettler Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Alvin Kettler Biographies

Alvin R Kettler Jr of Fort bend County, TX was born circa 1949. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Alvin R. Kettler Jr.
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Kettler biographies alphabetically beginning with Abby and ending with Andrew Kettler.
Abby Kettler (Born c. 1979)
Abe Kettler (Apr 1, 1897 - Feb 1967)
Ada Kettler (Mar 7, 1908 - Sep 10, 1994)
Adaree Kettler (Jan 31, 1928 - May 20, 1993)
Adrien Kettler (Dec 16, 1915 - Dec 6, 2009)
Agnes Kettler
Agness Kettler (Jan 12, 1903 - Jan 1973)
Albert Kettler
Albertine Kettler (Apr 7, 1917 - Dec 21, 2003)
Alex Kettler (Sep 22, 1902 - Dec 1982)
Alexander Kettler
Alfred Kettler
Alfrieda Kettler (Feb 24, 1902 - Nov 4, 1990)
Alice Kettler
Allen Kettler (Aug 19, 1923 - Mar 23, 2009)
Alma Kettler (Apr 9, 1906 - May 1976)
Alois Kettler (Jan 19, 1911 - Feb 1961)
Aloys Kettler (Dec 25, 1899 - Sep 15, 1970)
Alta Kettler
Alvin Kettler
Alvina Kettler
Amalia Kettler (Dec 8, 1888 - Dec 1973)
Amanda Kettler
Amelia Kettler (Apr 19, 1896 - Sep 1983)
Ana Kettler (Born c. 1980)
Andrew Kettler (Dec 27, 1919 - Aug 16, 2006)
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