People named Kathryn Farnworth
Below are 2 people with the first name Kathryn and the last name Farnworth. Try the Farnworth Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Kathryn Farnworth Biographies
Kathryn J Farnworth of TX was born circa 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kathryn J. (Bumer) Farnworth.
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Similar Farnworth names
Farnworth biographies alphabetically beginning with Hanna and ending with Laverne Farnworth.
Hanna Farnworth (Feb 13, 1908 - Nov 1974)
Harold Farnworth (Mar 7, 1910 - Jun 1965)
Harry Farnworth (Apr 30, 1907 - Nov 1, 1994)
Henry Farnworth (Mar 30, 1901 - Jan 1977)
Howell Farnworth (Apr 17, 1915 - Mar 28, 2000)
Hugh Farnworth (Jun 12, 1895 - Jun 1971)
Irma Farnworth (Sep 14, 1907 - Mar 23, 2000)
Ivan Farnworth
Izella Farnworth (Jan 25, 1913 - Feb 1994)
James Farnworth
Jean Farnworth (Jan 28, 1921 - Jun 19, 1991)
Jeanie Farnworth (Born c. 1968)
Jesse Farnworth (Nov 2, 1890 - Aug 1969)
Jessie Farnworth (Jun 27, 1921 - Apr 12, 1992)
Joan Farnworth (Dec 22, 1940 - Nov 15, 2004)
John Farnworth
Karl Farnworth (Jun 6, 1939 - Feb 5, 2005)
Karrin Farnworth (Mar 15, 1942 - Mar 11, 2006)
Kathryn Farnworth
Kenneth Farnworth
Kevin Farnworth (Sep 12, 1962 - Oct 27, 2009)
Larry Farnworth (Aug 24, 1934 - Feb 12, 2005)
Laverne Farnworth (Sep 8, 1937 - Sep 22, 2006)
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