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Charles Andrew Banister Jr. 1920 - 1986

Charles Andrew Banister Jr of Baltimore City County, Maryland United States was born on September 16, 1920 in Baltimore, and died at age 66 years old on November 11, 1986 in Falls Church, VA. Charles Banister was buried at Oakwood Cemetery 401 N Roosevelt St, in Falls Church.
Charles Andrew Banister Jr
Baltimore City County, Maryland United States
September 16, 1920
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
November 11, 1986
Falls Church, Virginia, United States
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Charles Andrew Banister Jr's History: 1920 - 1986

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  • Introduction

    Charles Andrew Banister Jr is the son of Charles Andrew Banister (1888-1948) and Mildred C Groeninger (1900-1981). He was born on September 16, 1920 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA and had two sisters including Rose Claire Banister (1921-2002). At the age of 21 he registered for the draft on February 16, 1942, in Baltimore, Maryland. Charles then enlisted in the United States Army on January 8, 1943, in Baltimore, Maryland. Upon enlisting, he was placed in the "Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA." As a Private, Charles was classified as one of the Selectees, indicating that he was chosen for military service through the selective service process, which included both drafted individuals and volunteers during World War II. Charles served in the Army and was discharged on November 9, 1945, after the end of World War II. On May 29, 1943 he married Virginia Adelaide Peace (1923–1994) in Duval, Florida, USA. Together the couple had a daughter Stephanie Banister (1943-1972).
  • 09/16


    September 16, 1920
    Baltimore, Maryland United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was white. His father Charles was born in Maryland on September 1, 1888 and his mother Mildred was born in Maryland on October 16, 1900 and she passed away in February of 1891 in Baltimore, MD.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Charles was born, raised, and lived most of his life in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Early Life & Education

    At the time of his enlistment, he had completed three years of high school.
  • Military Service

    Charles Andrew Bannister, at the age of 21, registered for the draft on February 16, 1942, in Baltimore, Maryland. Charles listed himself as the "Head" of his household, indicating that he was the primary responsible individual. Physically, he was 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighed 165 pounds. He had a ruddy complexion, brown hair, and gray eyes. Charles Bannister then enlisted in the United States Army on January 8, 1943, in Baltimore, Maryland. His military serial number was 33549076. Upon enlisting, he was placed in the "Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA." This branch was likely a holding category for individuals who had not yet been assigned to a specific branch or were awaiting further assignment. As a Private, Charles was classified as one of the Selectees, indicating that he was chosen for military service through the selective service process, which included both drafted individuals and volunteers during World War II. His terms of enlistment specified that he was enlisting for the duration of the war or any other emergency that may arise. Additionally, he was committed to serving for an additional six months beyond the end of the war or emergency period, subject to the President's discretion or other legal provisions. Charles served in the Army and was discharged on November 9, 1945, after the end of World War II.
  • Professional Career

    He worked in the construction industry as a foreman.
  • 11/11


    November 11, 1986
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Falls Church, Virginia United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Oakwood Cemetery 401 N Roosevelt St, in Falls Church, Virginia 22044, United States
    Burial location
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