
Agnes Lounette Billings

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Agnes Lounette Billings
A photo of Agnes Lounette (Patterson) Billings
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Agnes Lounette (Patterson) Billings
My mom was still in love with her second husband, Warren Lee Lewis, after she had married her third, Edward Hodge Pegram. It turns out that she had a lieason with Warren Lewis and I was the product. Having no DNA tests back in 1949, she didn't know my paternity. I was told my dad was dead, but after I found the father listed on my birth certificate, Ed Pegram, in 1979, I assumed he was my father. I wouldn't learn the truth until October 2015, at 65 years old. I learned through the internet from my half-sister, Susan Lewis King. Turns out we went to junior and senior high school in Jacksonville, FL, and we didn't know of our kinship. I have four half-siblings in all, two boys, two girls. It was such a taboo at the time, my mom, and grandparents hid it from me my entire life. I never got to meet my real dad, but I knew Ed Pegram 14 months before his death. My mom was questioned about it before her death, but she just said "it's possible." I don't hate my mom for this. In the end of her life she gave me a great gift of a new family to explore. My entire genealogy is wrong on my paternal side. It will need to be corrected.
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Bonnie Wakeman
I've been into genealogy since 1979. I got into it to find my father. I was raised an only child by my mom, and maternal grandparents. I was told my dad was dead. However, through genealogical research, I found my assumed father, Edward H. Pegram, in 1979, and knew him 14 months before he died. Thirty five years later, I was astonished to find out that Ed was not my father after all, and that my true paternity was the result of a liaison between my mom and her second husband, Warren L. Lewis. I found out through one of four half siblings through the internet. So one-half of my genealogical tree will need to be corrected. I have no bitterness over this. Instead, I feel that right before my mom's death, she gave me a great gift, that of a new identity and family. Most of the pictures I've uploaded were of my maternal ancestry. Some were that of what I thought was my paternal family. The other pictures are no kin to me, but pictures of other individual persons I found in antique stores. I retired early due to illness, but I've done a lot in my life. I've had many occupations, LPN, Travel Agent, Secretary, and Commercial Writer. Since I've retired, I've rekindled my creativity painting and writing. However, for twenty five years I was caretaker to my grandmother and mother until they passed away.
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