
Alethea Preston (Pinn) Colvin, Virginia

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Alethea Preston (Pinn) Colvin, Virginia
Alethea Preston (Pinn) Colvin: James Colvin & Alethea Pinn of Warrenton, Virginia
People in photo include: Althea Preston (Pinn) Colvin
Date & Place: in Warrenton, Virginia United States of America
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When we first developed this picture about 10 years or more ago, we thought this was Molly. This is actually a picture of ALETHEA PRESTON PINN.
The hoop skit is the give-a-away. They were out of style by the early 1870s when "Molly" was born. Thanks for the correction. Also where does the "Molly Pinn" name you've assigned to her come from? I've never seen it in any records associated with this individual. In most sources she is referred to as either Margaret or Mary. Ditto for Alethea Preston "Pinn." In most records she's either Preston or Colvin.
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Monica Sanowar
About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
Alex Colvin
Alex Colvin is a senior undergraduate at the University of Houston where he is completing his BA in History and minoring in Anthropology. His academic work has been published in the 2017 annual volume of the Journal of the American Revolution, (JAR,) Houston History Magazine (Summer, 2016,) and is also published at and He is a retired investigative reporter as well as an experienced genealogist. His overall research interest is in Southern Studies. A new website project, Narratives in Black and White was begun last year, which is exploring the historiography and narratives of historically ignored mixed-race marriages in the U.S. from the Antebellum period to present day.
Please see: "Introduction" at The Colvin Study blog:
Lionel Pinn
About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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