
Allister Charles Austin

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Allister Charles Austin
A photo of Allister Charles Austin
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Allister Charles Austin
Allister Charles Austin was born on June 21, 1920, in St. John's, Division No. 1 County, NL, Canada to Gertrude Austin and John Thomas Austin. He came from a family of siblings including Edith Austin, Bruce Russell Austin, Jean Bussey, Maxwell Austin, and Harold Raymond Austin. During his military service, Allister served in the Royal Navy and held the rank of Leading Seaman. As part of his service, he was assigned to the No. 3 Landing Craft Obstacle Clearance Unit (L.C.O.C.U.). This unit played a crucial role in amphibious landing operations, responsible for clearing obstacles and providing support during beach landings. Their efforts were instrumental in ensuring the safe passage of landing craft and troops. During Operation Overlord, Allister served as a diver in the Royal Navy within the Landing Craft Obstacle Clearance Units (LCOCU). Being among the first troops to land on D-Day, his unit faced the dangerous task of demolishing the obstacles and mines meticulously placed by the German forces on the landing beaches. Their mission was to clear the path, enabling the Allied landing craft and vehicles to reach the shore safely and facilitating a successful invasion. Tragically, while courageously clearing obstacles to secure a safe landing zone, Allister Austin lost his life on D-Day. His sacrifice and bravery exemplify the unwavering dedication displayed by the troops during the historic invasion. Allister Austin now rests at the Bayeux War Cemetery in Bayeux, Calvados County, Normandie, France. His final resting place stands as a solemn reminder of his service and sacrifice in the name of freedom and peace.
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