
Amelia Lee Wilson

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Amelia Lee Wilson
This photograph was taken at a time when Amelia's daughter, Nina Beatrice Lees, was ill with St. Vitus Dance. It was thought that Nina may not survive, so photographs were taken so that the family would have a likeness of Nina.
Date & Place: in Sydney, NSW Australia
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Amelia Lee Wilson
I did not know Amelia, but she was my great grandmother. She was born in Sandhurst, Victoria in 1870. The family moved to Sydney sometime after 1879 when her father died. Amelia married Ernest Laurence Lees on 27 October 1887 in Sydney, NSW. They had 3 cnildren - Gladys Muriel, Nina Beatrice and Arthur. The marriage was dissolved in 1900 and Amelia married James Henry Lake Bray on 20 February 1907 in St Leonard's, Sydney. They had one child - Nellie Amelia. Both James and Nellie died in 1919 from the Spanish Influenza. The family lost touch with Amelia after that. Her last known address was 471A Bourke Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW.
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