
Barbara Combs

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Barbara Combs
Barbara Combs sitting on Afgahan she made - Picture taken about 2010.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Barbara Combs
Unknown - Unknown
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Barbara Combs
I am a Senior Citizen, who was born in Springfield, VT and was eldest of 5 children who lived on a small Dairy Farm. My father worked in the Machine Shop at night and worked on the farm during the day. We all shared in the farm work and haying during the summer and also winter. I went on to Business School, got married at 24 and my hubby and I had 3 dhildren and later divorced. I married again whenI was 47 years old. Am now living in the beautiful state of Arizona which is interesting and full of surprises.
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