
De Stefano Family 1919

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
De Stefano Family 1919
This family picture of Stefano and Jennie De Stefano with their 3 children. Felicia is in the middle, Aniello and the left and Angela is on the right. It was taken before the youngest child Catherine was born in December 1919.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Giovannina Riccio
Giovannina immigrated to the US in 1912. She married Stefano De Stefano a few weeks later. They had 4 children, Felicia, Aniello, Angela and Catherine. She was my great grandmother.
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Stefano De Stefano
Stefano De Stefano immigrated to the US in 1904. He married Giovannina Riccio in 1912. They had 4 children, Felicia, Aniello, Angela and Catherine. He had various jobs and then opened a small grocery store in Ridgeley WV. He was my great grandfather!
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