
Dewey & Cora (Davis) Williams family

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Dewey & Cora (Davis) Williams family
A photo of Cora Roberta Davis Williams and family
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Lillie Lee Davis
Find A Grave Memorial # 88321101 Aunt Lillie was more then an Aunt to us kids as we were growing up, she was like a second Mother, she was always there and always willing to do anything for us, if GOD would only make more Ladies like this woman the World would be a wonderful place to live. at the bottom of this page at the Obituary - their is an external link that will take you to a video I made after Aunt Lillie Passed - The one way to make Aunt Lillie really laugh and almost roll in the floor, was to play the song - My Ding A Ling -by - Chuck Berry, so I hope this keeps her happy, God I love you Lillie, R.I.P.
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J.Richard Davis
About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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