
Dwain baker

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Dwain baker
Date & Place: in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa United States
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Dwain baker
Dwain was a wonderful friend and uncle. He should have been just a uncle friend and dog owner. He has 2 daughters... He loved his mother and missed her dearly since her death in 1980. The love he had for friends, grand children (his youngest daughters kids not the oldest daughters kids), siblings, nieces and nephews were unmatched. His daughters were just punching bags to him. His youngest daughter lived with him and took care of him to the very end because that's what he wanted. He wanted her to live with him. He said numerous times infront of me (staying anonymous). He would tell his family she was using him and much more. I don't know much about his oldest daughter other than she only visited him 2 times in 3-5 times. However I overheard numerous phone calls with his oldest daughter. She checked on him daily. She only lived 1.5 hrs away from him. I don't know how he treated her but it must of been pretty bad for her to not want to come visit him. I can say how the youngest was treated was less than desirable. She is a fierce woman. I watched him for years try to break her mentally as he did everyone women he ever dated. He couldn't break her, she made sure she stood her ground. He even made her kids turn on her. She is a fighter and Dwain I'm proud to say she the most caring selfless women. She could have left you and she didn't. She always says just because he is and was a shitty dad does not mean I have to be a shitty daughter! And that she was not! You and your horrible family treated both of his daughters like they weren't even related to him. You go behind their backs to have a celebration of life and do not even invite them. You all deserve each other. These girls will never have to see any of you again. Again if you weren't his daughters he was a great man! Sincerely a long time friend of his youngest daughter!
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