
Eleanor Kidd

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Eleanor Kidd
A photo of Eleanor Kidd
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Eleanor Kidd
Eleanor was born to Andrew William and Nina (Larsen) Marks. Her father died when she was only 7 years old. She married Vincent Morris about 1926. No children were born of that union. In 1942 she had left Vincent and married Luke Erwin Doerr. They had three children, Mark Erwin Doerr, A. Kathryn Doerr, and Patricia Marie Doerr. Luke and Eleanor lived in Kennewick, Washington most of their marriage. She was a cub and girl scout leader and den mother when the children were young. Later she would relocate with her two daughters to Central Oregon. In 1966 she married Art Kid. She would later move to McCall, Idaho before settling in Riggins, Idaho where she would spend the rest of her life.
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