
Gus Swinton Family

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Gus Swinton Family
A photo of Gus Swinton and his family.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Gus was the 3rd child of Elnora Swinton. At the time of his death, he was survived by and older brother, older and younger sister. He was loved deeply by his brother, sisters, aunts, uncles and a host of cousins.
Thank you Derrick Henderson for sharing the photo with Gus. I actually remember this place Gus use to live.
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Gus Fernando Swinton
Gus was like the “Mayor” of the Bronx. Everyone who knew Gus loved him! He is best known for helping everyone, loving all, playing chess and being a salesman. He was tall and handsome.
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