
Heinrich Arnold Friedrich Prellwitz

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Heinrich Arnold Friedrich Prellwitz
Heinrich Arnold Friedrich Prellwitz, age near 20
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Heinrich Arnold Friedrich Prellwitz
Heinrich Arnold Friedrich Prellwitz was born in Essen, Germany, from Maria Klara Baier and Arnold Prellwitz. Had a happy childhood, even considering the economic crisis faced there and then, plus the rise of NAZI party, wich his father had serious arguments against. During his childhood, he learned how to take pictures and process the film, how to build and use a ham radio, archaeology, typography and how to play handball. He had a few chicken pet on the backyard, but the economic crisis on Europe made the hunger a bad company, and one day he saw his pet chicken been served on dinner. From this day on, he never ever ate chicken again. He won a tournament after breaking his arm because of secret treatment on the use of the left hand. At 13 years old he was forced recruited to participate on Hitler's last efforts on the end of 1944. He wore the uniform, completely terrified, for one and a half month, until some Allied soldier take aim on him and leave a scar on the upper right leg. This were considered a "mercy shot" of some kind, because Allied took notice that on trenches there were only children, then they took measure to not kill someone, but to incapacitate as many as possible. Heinrich took an infection from this wound and almost perished. But a new medicine, delivered by Red Cross International saved his life on the last moment: the penicillin. The antibiotic were so effective, and so strongly dosed, that doctors collected urine of the patients to retrieve the medicine for a second and third dose, yet very effective. During war, a bomb fell 6 blocks away from his house, and that wiped the building from the existence. His father were violently interrogated many times from SS during war, and never recovered the injuries completely. When he died, Heinrich wrote and produced his obituary by hand before leave Germany with her mother, Maria. They went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Had a cousin that were priest there, and already invited them to rebuild their lives many times. Once in Rio, father Fritz opened his house and welcomed Heinrich and Maria. Heinrich asked why there were a bronze bust of Adolf Hitler on the wall, and Fritz informed him that this man was the greatest ever lived on all times. Then Heinrich, alone with her mother, without any knowledge of the Portuguese language (besides the fact that he was fluent in seven languages at this point), started to walk on the streets, looking for an opportunity of any kind to work and survive. On a bar, he met another German that worked on the printing park of the Diário de Notícias newspaper. Then started to work as a graphic technician until one day, when Miss Rio de Janeiro arrived at the building and there were no one to take pictures of her. Heinrich offered himself to do it and then became a photographer.
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About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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