
Henry J. Foots

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Henry J. Foots
A photo of Henry J. Foots, featured on "My Six Pound Life" (1958 - 2013)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Henry James Foots
Henry James Foots was born to Porter Foots Sr. (1917 - 2005) and Addie Virginia Hamilton (1924 - 2017) in Texas. Records indicate that he lived his entire life in Harris County Texas. He had five siblings. Featured on "My 600-Pound Life" Season 1 on TLC, Henry had a near-death experience after his second skin removal surgery. After, he said "I saw a white light. It was just like having an out of body experience. There was the light to take me to Heaven [but] I wasn't ready for it, because there's so much here on earth I haven't did yet." At age 47, he weighed 750 pounds. and decided to lose weight for his high school reunion. Opting for gastric bypass surgery, Henry lost 475 pounds in total and also had surgeries to remove excess skin. On August 21 2011, he married his long time girlfriend Lycurgus "Kirk" (Walker) Foots with whom he had lived for a number of years. According to Texas marriage records, he was age 53 and she was age 61. They were married in Harris County TX. Lycurgus would later share that because of Henry's weight she felt often more like a caretaker rather than a partner and this put strain on their relationship. On November 29, 2012, Henry suffered an unspecified "medical incident" that caused him to pass out while driving a shuttle bus. The resulting accident caused the bus to hit an SUV and then run into a woman standing on the corner. She died from her injuries. The 11 passengers on the bus were injured but none of the injuries were life-threatening. The shuttle bus was providing transportation for the Texas Medical Center. Henry recovered. See Shuttle bus crash victim identified for more details. Henry died on May 16, 2013 due to unknown reasons. His death was unrelated to the shuttle bus accident.
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