
Iva May Wood Flower

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Iva May Wood Flower
A photo of Iva May (Wood) Flower
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Iva May (Wood) Flower
Iva was born August 7, 1899 in Barksdale, Edwards County, Texas. She lived a full life. With a high school education, she continued to learn skills as the need arose. On August 24, 1917, she married Joe E. Flower. They lived in Barksdale, Texas, then moved to Globe, Arizona. Later, they moved to Phoenix, Arizona. With her love of music, she studied piano teaching and directed a Boy Scouts Orchestra, traveling with them to other parts of the State. She organized a Summer Recreation Association to help the youth learn swimming, tennis, and other sports. When the local swimming pool owner wanted to restrict attendance to white only, she got a government grant and built another pool for everyone. She studied public speaking, parliamentary law, and drafting. Her public life was certainly influenced by women gaining the right to vote in the State of Arizona in 1912, when she was 13 years old, and nationally in 1920 when she was about 20 years old. She was president of the Globe Democratic Club, president of the Globe Recreational Club, and the third president of the Arizona Federation of Democratic Women's Clubs (known today as the Arizona Federation of Democratic Women, or AFDW). She was a Committeewoman for the Globe Precinct and later for the Phoenix Precinct. In Arizona State politics, she was a Vice Chairwoman of the State Central Committee on the State Orphan Board. She was a gold star mother, a member of the American Legion, and a member of the Business and Professional Women's Club. She was a long-time friend of Arizona Governor Rose Mofford, a Democrat also from Globe, and traveled with her to political functions around the State. Iva was personally known by every governor that the State had until her final illness; she was also a travel advisor for the Arizona Highways magazine; coincidentally, Rose Mofford accepted the position of business manager of Arizona Highways in 1945 and held that position for two years. Iva died September 24, 1991 at the age of 92 and was buried next to the remains of her husband in Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona.
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