
John Innerarity Sr.

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
John Innerarity Sr.
Husband: John Innerarity
Born: August 07, 1749 in: Brechin, Angus, Scotland
Married: July 26, 1776 in: Brechin, Scotland
Died: 1805 in: Stockwell, England
Burial: unknown
Father: James (Innerarity) Inverarity
Mother: Jean Milne
Other Spouses: none

Wife: Henrietta Harriet Panton
Born: in: Aberdeen Scotland
Died: 1815 in: Surrey, England
Burial: unknown
Father: John Fanton
Mother: Barbara Wemyss
Other Spouses: none


I Name: James (Jacques) (Santiago) Innerarity
Born: August 12,1777 in: Brechin, Forfarshire, Scotland
Died: October 03, 1847 in: Mobil, At.
Burial: New (Magnolia) Cemetery, Lot 35, Square 5
Spouse: Heloise (Eloise Isabel) Isabelle Trouillet
Married: August 06, 1779 in Mobil, AL
Other: Laura Manuella Centeno
Other: Maria pyburn

2 Name: Barbara Innerarity
Born: March 06, 1779 in:
F Married: in:
Died: in:

3 Name: Heloise (Henrietta)Innerarity
Born: May 01, 1782 in: Aberdeen, Scotland
Died: July 28, 1833 in: NM
Burial: unknown
Spouse: unknown

4 Name: John Jr. Innerarity
Born: November 11, 1783 in: Aberdeen, Scotland
M Died: July 28,1854 in: Pensacola, Escambia, FL.
Burial: unknown
Married: 27 Nov 1806 in: Pensacola, FL.
Spouse: Dona Victoria De Villiers

5 Name: Jean Innerarity
Born: September 29, 1780 in: Aberdeen, Scotland
Died: in:unknown
Burial: unknown
Spouse: unknown
Date & Place: at Musium in Pensacola, Florida USA
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Nedra Innerarity
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