
Kenneth Larish

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Kenneth Larish
A photo of Kenneth Larish (1906 - 1972)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Kenneth Larish
Uncle Jack was a self-assured man of average height, with a great sense of humor, and loved to smoke cigars. He owned a dry cleaning business in Bloomsburg for many years, where Gram Larish (Lula) and Ma Koons (Ken's sister Martha) worked as seamstresses, and Uncle Bob Koons worked when he got out of the Navy. Later, Jack sold cars in his own car lot down near Danville. He loved horses, and was always involved in the sulky races at the Bloomsburg Fair and at races in upstate New York. He bought a farm down in Washingtonville, which is near Danville PA, and I believe raised some horses there. Uncle Jack had the Larish sense of humor. One Christmas, while everyone sat around the Koons house in Espy, Uncle Jack sat there with a cigar that had about 4 inches of ashes ready to fall off. Aunt Lou (Martha's daughter Louann) ran back in the kitchen, got an ashtray, and held it under Uncle Jacks cigar so the ashes wouldn't fall off on the floor. Uncle Jack had been waiting for someone to come to the rescue, and he reached up and pulled out the fake ashes that he had plugged into his cigar, and put it in the ashtray. Boy, was Aunt Lou surprised, and everybody got a good laugh. In Gram Larish's bible, we found a poem printed on a card written by Uncle Jack. It read: "My Friends" "At last I know the value of my friends, As I wait for time to make amends, Have had the care of nurses fair, And doctors too, have done their share Flowers, cards and telephones too, Have kept me thinking about you, I hope that the day is very far, When you need a hospital - fine as they are, But if you do, may God help me to be As grand a friend as you have been to me."
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