
Logging Camp at Three Forks WV

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Logging Camp at Three Forks WV
This photo belonged to my Uncle's wife, Marjorie Marie Nutter-Harmon. When she died, my dad saved the photo. When he died, I found it in his belongings. I have since returned the original to a sister of hers, whom I discovered still living, in Arizona. The writting on the border says [John Nutter, holding baby Marjorie], and [Woman in white dresss is Aggie Lynch Nutter]. I kept a copy to put in my family album since Marjorie married my Uncle Ray & raised my father from the time he was 5 years old...she was like a grandmother to me. I am electing to submit it here not only to share with others, but to be sure of its safety...I've lost too many pictures or they have been damaged by others.
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