
Mabelle Edwins

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Mabelle Edwins
A photo of Mabelle Edwins (1890 - 1986)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Mabelle Edwins
Mabelle Harbeson Edwins attended a "Finishing School" in early 1900's and was married to Jessie Edwins She had three daughters, Wavy, Frances, and Jane Ann. Mabelle traveled the world and brought treasures from around the world to her home, built for her in 1926 by her father, William Harbeson. As the owner of "The San Carlos" in Pensacola, Fla., he provided unique decor to her home, that remains to date in the home owned by his grand daughter, Frances Edwins Chisholm.
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