
Mary Wheelock

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Mary Wheelock
Recently found this picture on eBay with the tag "Mary Wheelock." The frame was made around 1856. This young lady doesn't look like she is much older than 16 year old. I've done a little research to determine who she is: Mary B. , daughter of Daniel B. & Sophia Wheelock; Mary L., dughter of Calvin W. & Mary Ann Wheelock; Mary daughter of Orville & Anna A. Wheelock, wife of Park E. Wright; Mary Amanda, daughter of Samuel L. and Almena R. Wheelock. Need help.. anyone?
Date & Place: in USA
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The Wheelock Association may be of some help

I think I have an earlier image from approx 1846. Her sister was Louisa J Wheelock who married La Grand Phetteplace. I am having trouble tracing her to the home family.
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