
Myrtis Virginia M. Estep-Crinley Breuning

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Myrtis Virginia M. Estep-Crinley Breuning
A photo of Myrtis Virginia M. (Estep-Crinley) Breuning
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Who did Myrtis marry? Whose daughter was she? Thank you..
Contact me by email at [contact link]. About 3-5 years ago, I wrote a family history of Myrtis after finding an autographed photo of her in my Mother's family history stash in 1998. She is a descendant of my GGrandmother's (Maria Ellard Williams), brother, who had lived in St. Louis in the middle 19th century. David Griffiths Sox
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Myrtis Virginia M. (Estep-Crinley) Breuning
I did not know Myrtis, but my mother Mary Griffiths Sox received an autographed picture from Myrtis in ca. 1929 inscribed "To Cousin Mary with Love and Best Wishes. Affectionately, Myrtis, “Susan”-- Desert Song, 1927-28." Myrtis was the GGG grandniece of my mother's maternal grandmother, by her paternal grandmother, Mary T. Ellard, who married Thomas Benton Estep, a prominent attorney of St. Louis, MO. Myrtis married twice, first to Gordon S. Mitchell in the mid 1930, a pioneering film sound engineer in Hollywood, and then to Frank Charles Breuning in about 1946, in Los Angeles.
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About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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