
Sarah Coombs Hinson

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Sarah Coombs Hinson
Sarah Coombs Hinson was the wife of Henry Hinson she also migrated from N.C. to Ross Co., Ohio where her and Henry raised thirteen children. She was born April 21, 1782 and died on April 24, 1869. I do not know who her parents were or who the parents of Henry was.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Carol Hinson Allen
I am a decendant of Henry Hinson and Sarah Coombs Hinson from Chatham Co. N.C. Hinson is one of my main interest however I am also researching Saltz, Gilpen, Secrest, Allen, Warren, Tilghman, Springer, Stewart,Shuster, Maxson, Ralph, Albers, Cox, Conaway, Hitchcock and Dilworth. I am sure that I have left someone out but I will add them if I find anyone that I missed.
Jade Henson
About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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