
Sherri A Tise

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Sherri A Tise
A photo of Sherri A Tise (1958 - 2008)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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3 generations of crazy: mom, me and my baby girl Shia. I am so sorry you didn't live to see the birth of your grandson Mama
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Sherri A Tise
Mom was wild, funny, generous, loving to a fault and moody. She went crazy, but when she wasn't you either loved her, hated her, or in my dad's case, both. She had a saying for everything, and would give you anything she had. She was cremated at Moore Funeral home, but my father buried her urn at Wright cemetery under her owl statue, between Nathan Bowles and another of the Bowles clan. A memorial service was held at Codaway on Aug. 2nd, 2008 by her family
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