
Terry L Coss

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Terry L Coss
A photo of Terry L Coss
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Terry L Coss
Terry Coss went by the nickname TC. everyone loved his charming witty attitude and all around happiness for life. he would do many silly things to make others around him laugh and he loved to see a smile upon everyone's face. he would tell stories about his life that seemed to take forever for him to finish and when he finished it sure brought a smile to your heart. this man had a very hard life and had many battles he faced everyday. despite the battles he laughed, smiled and loved through it all. he was my hero...strongest man ive ever known. I looked up to him more than anyone and his hat to me was like a halo. I think of him every single day and see his twinkle in my daughters eye when she smiles. I always wanted to be just like him...he called me his lil "TC" I wore that name so proudly! he would give his shirt off his back to help someone in need ive seen it myself. just a great man...I cant even put into words how much I miss him each day and how I know my mother's heart aches since its no longer whole since he left her on this earth. he was my angel...I thought he walked on water---daddy's baby girl
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Heather Coss
About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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