
Viola Conerly

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Viola Conerly
Getting professional photos taken with husband Cleve Conerly
Date & Place: in Columbia, Marion County, Mississippi 39429, United States
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Viola Conerly
Viola (Lenard) Conerly of Kokomo, Marion County, Mississippi was born on February 15, 1908 to Angeline Fortenberry and Eli Lenard. Viola Conerly had siblings Mardessie Quinn and Bertha Conerly. Viola's partner was Birk Jackson and they later separated. They had a child Lucy Harris. She would also marry Cleve conerly, and they had children Mae Ola Ratliff, Eddie Gene Conerly, and E.L Conerly. Viola Conerly died at age 69 years old on June 2, 1977 in Kokomo.
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