
Harvey Orear

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Harvey Orear
A photo of Harvey Orear
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Harvey O'Rear
This is my father. He died when I was seven years old and he was only 28 years old. My father served his country and pound of that. My mother and him divorced when I was two so I only have a few memories, he lived in Colorado Springs and my mom and me lived in Aztec New Mexico than he moved to Las Vegas Nevada. The doctors never told my mother how my father died but my aunt Denise was a nurse at the time and she thinks my father died from a medical overdose. See my father had serious asthma and other health problems. I'm guessing he went to one hospital in Las Vegas and the doctors gave him drugs, than he probably wasn't feeling good still so he went to a different hospital and the doctors gave he more drugs and those drugs killed him. I remember the night the police came knocking on the door late at night and I got out of my bed and walked down the hall to see two officers at the door and my mother fall on her knees crying I ran back to my room and pretended to sleep. I couldn't help but wonder why she was crying. The next day my mom grandmother pulled me out of school and told me my father had died. Being seven I didn't understand what that meant? My father died? It wasn't until I got older I realize my father would never see me graduate high school (which I did this year class of 2014) I could never call him on the phone and tell me I love him and I miss him. He couldn't see me get older. I am accepted in the E.M.T program at my local community college. I want to go into the medical field because I want to save people's lives.
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Alexandra O'Rear
About me:I haven't shared any details about myself.
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