
Thayer Baby Girl 1949

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Thayer Baby Girl 1949
Thelma Jean Thayer born December 31, 1948. This picture apporoximate, Easter, April 20, 1949, at three or four months. From left - Miss Thelma Thayer (paternal aunt, Thelma Jean Thayer, 3-4 months, Hazel Esther Thayer, proud mom! Biologoical dad - James Roydan Thayer - divorced Hazel in 4951-2. Also have sister, Rosenn, Thayer, born December 25, 1951. Shortley after, parents divorced. Aunt Thelma died July 3, 2003.
Date & Place: at Thayer Grandprents Home in St. Clair Shores, Michigan USA
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Willing to be contacted if you are a strong possible thayer relative only - thru the thayer line - [contact link]
Mom and Dad, Hazel and James, married on January 31, 1948, divorced in 1952, not 4951, sister, Roseann - December 25, 1951, my birthday, December 31, 1948!
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Thelma Thayer-sibley
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