
Unknown Salle Children

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Unknown Salle Children
These siblings are Salle children but their first names are unknown. They aren't my relatives, I found the photo in an antique shop in Seattle, Washington. Can you identify them?
Date & Place: in USA
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Another "lost and found" photo found in an antique shop in Seattle with no details but a last name - Salle.

I have a lot of lace that my own great-grandmother tatted, and I'm in awe of how much work it took to make the tatting that this lovely young girl is wearing.

Hopefully one day someone will recognize these two young Salle children, and this heirloom will be reunited with their families through sharing on AncientFaces.
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Adorable picture of two beautiful children. Just imagine how long that collar took to make! Many long hours of love. And then I think of wedding gown’s full of tatted lace, mind boggling! That’s art!
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Pam Marks
My life-time love of geneology and old photos led to the concept of Ancientfaces back in 1999....through the site I have made contact with previously unknown cousins in Australia, Tasmania, England, Scotland and various states in the US, broadening and enriching my family stories, photos and family relationships. The names I am researching resided in and/or settled the following areas: South Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; Normandy; Germany, Belgium & the Netherlands; Virginia; West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, Idaho and Washington state; first wave of settlers in the Hudson River & Mohawk River Vallies; founding fathers of New Haven, Middlesex and New London Counties, CT, along with Suffolk, Norfolk & Middlesex Counties in MA; first wave of settlers to Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Also, I am a member of the Mayflower Society after tracing my maternal side to John Billington, a Mayflower passenger ( with his family) who settled in Plymouth , and signed, the Mayflower compact.
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