People named Carl Lindegren
Below are 5 people with the first name Carl and the last name Lindegren. Try the Lindegren Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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5 Carl Lindegren Biographies
Carl Lindegren of Tony, Rusk County, Wisconsin was born on December 30, 1906, and died at age 67 years old in January 1974.
Carl Lindegren of Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California was born on February 21, 1891, and died at age 85 years old in May 1976.
Carl R Lindegren of Riverside, Fairfield County, CT was born on April 4, 1922, and died at age 70 years old in September 1992.
Carl Lindegren of San Diego, San Diego County, California was born on January 24, 1896, and died at age 90 years old in January 1986.
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Similar Lindegren names
Lindegren biographies alphabetically beginning with Agnes and ending with Wanda Lindegren.
Agnes Lindegren (Dec 9, 1889 - May 1968)
Anna Lindegren (Feb 8, 1875 - Dec 1971)
Anton Lindegren (Jun 23, 1891 - Aug 1959)
August Lindegren (Apr 10, 1894 - Oct 1982)
Carl Lindegren
Carole Lindegren (Jul 23, 1921 - May 12, 2007)
Doris Lindegren (Feb 3, 1903 - Jan 1986)
Emma Lindegren
Emory Lindegren (May 18, 1905 - Sep 1974)
Erik Lindegren (Dec 16, 1905 - Jul 25, 1999)
Ernest Lindegren (Oct 31, 1897 - Apr 1978)
Eva Lindegren (Jul 12, 1935 - Apr 25, 2010)
Genevieve Lindegren (Nov 22, 1905 - Dec 12, 1991)
George Lindegren (Mar 16, 1903 - Sep 5, 1999)
Gertrude Lindegren (Sep 2, 1901 - Mar 1977)
Gunhild Lindegren (Aug 14, 1902 - Aug 1984)
Gunnar Lindegren (Nov 24, 1910 - Jan 3, 2006)
Henry Lindegren
Ida Lindegren (Sep 2, 1914 - Mar 27, 1995)
Jack Lindegren (Feb 9, 1931 - Dec 7, 1997)
James Lindegren
Jeremy Lindegren (Born c. 1971)
John Lindegren
Katherine Lindegren (Jan 5, 1904 - Mar 18, 1992)
Leona Lindegren (Feb 1, 1914 - May 10, 1997)
Leroy Lindegren (Oct 19, 1924 - Nov 6, 2003)
Lillian Lindegren
Lisa Lindegren (Born c. 1973)
Maria Lindegren (Feb 20, 1884 - Apr 1972)
Marie Lindegren (Mar 27, 1901 - Oct 1972)
Mary Lindegren
Mats Lindegren (Born c. 1959)
Melvin Lindegren (Dec 12, 1915 - Apr 1984)
Nora Lindegren (Oct 1, 1897 - Jan 1972)
Norma Lindegren (Apr 25, 1919 - Dec 1983)
Patricia Lindegren (Jun 29, 1913 - Sep 1992)
Paul Lindegren
Per Lindegren (Jun 4, 1950 - May 9, 1997)
Peter Lindegren (May 12, 1877 - Jan 1976)
Sture Lindegren (Oct 3, 1905 - Sep 27, 1989)
Ulrika Lindegren (Born c. 1967)
Vega Lindegren (Jun 20, 1905 - Dec 24, 1988)
Walter Lindegren (Apr 7, 1904 - May 1958)
Wanda Lindegren (May 1, 1898 - Jan 1985)