People named Carroll Farnsworth
Below are 2 people with the first name Carroll and the last name Farnsworth. Try the Farnsworth Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Carroll Farnsworth Biographies
Carroll Farnsworth of Parkersburg, Wood County, WV was born on February 22, 1903, and died at age 85 years old on December 17, 1988.
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Farnsworth biographies alphabetically beginning with Carmen and ending with Charley Farnsworth.
Carmen Farnsworth (Jul 13, 1925 - Feb 9, 2003)
Carol Farnsworth
Carole Farnsworth (Oct 5, 1937 - Oct 5, 2008)
Carolee Farnsworth (Born c. 1942)
Caroline Farnsworth
Caroll Farnsworth (Mar 7, 1884 - Jan 1986)
Carolyn Farnsworth
Carrie Farnsworth (May 31, 1902 - Nov 30, 1989)
Carroll Farnsworth
Carter Farnsworth (Jun 2, 1925 - Apr 28, 2005)
Caswell Farnsworth (Dec 28, 1923 - Apr 1980)
Catherine Farnsworth
Catrina Farnsworth (Born c. 1982)
Cecil Farnsworth
Cecile Farnsworth (Jul 4, 1930 - Feb 2, 2010)
Celeste Farnsworth
Chancy Farnsworth (May 12, 1899 - Jun 1992)
Chantal Farnsworth (Jun 18, 1989 - Jan 12, 1993)
Charina Farnsworth (Nov 7, 1979 - Jun 30, 2011)
Charity Farnsworth (Born c. 1971)
Charlene Farnsworth
Charles Farnsworth
Charley Farnsworth (Jan 5, 1893 - Nov 1976)
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