People named David Stroop
Below are 2 people with the first name David and the last name Stroop. Try the Stroop Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 David Stroop Biographies
Similar Stroop names
Stroop biographies alphabetically beginning with Carson and ending with Dorothea Stroop.
Carson Stroop (Mar 14, 1928 - Oct 9, 2009)
Casper Stroop (Feb 20, 1907 - May 1978)
Charles Stroop
Chloe Stroop (Mar 18, 1930 - Feb 22, 2000)
Christi Stroop (May 5, 1951 - Apr 1974)
Christine Stroop (Dec 22, 1913 - Nov 8, 2007)
Christman Stroop (Dec 25, 1880 - Oct 1965)
Christopher Stroop
Clara Stroop
Clarence Stroop
Clyde Stroop
Connie Stroop (Sep 6, 1923 - May 27, 2011)
Constance Stroop (Apr 26, 1924 - Oct 11, 2002)
Cornelius Stroop (Feb 8, 1891 - Apr 1968)
Crissman Stroop (Oct 10, 1912 - Mar 3, 1990)
Daisy Stroop (Oct 12, 1879 - Aug 15, 1968)
Daniel Stroop (Dec 15, 1952 - Sep 21, 2009)
David Stroop
Deborah Stroop (Feb 2, 1955 - Apr 1982)
Delthy Stroop (Sep 20, 1920 - Jul 2, 2007)
Donald Stroop
Dorothea Stroop (Oct 4, 1910 - Aug 14, 1993)
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