
People named Frances Lamotta

Below are 2 people with the first name Frances and the last name Lamotta. Try the Lamotta Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.

2 Frances Lamotta Biographies

Frances Lamotta of Howard Beach, Queens County, NY was born on January 11, 1902, and died at age 96 years old on September 18, 1998.
Frances Lamotta was born on April 11, 1921, and died at age 58 years old in July 1979. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Frances Lamotta.
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Lamotta biographies alphabetically beginning with Alejandra and ending with William Lamotta.

Alejandra Lamotta (Oct 14, 1977 - May 21, 2005) Alex Lamotta (Nov 15, 1907 - Oct 1977) Amy Lamotta Angela Lamotta (Feb 28, 1941 - Nov 8, 2005) Angelina Lamotta (Jul 13, 1912 - Dec 1985) Angie Lamotta (Jul 1, 1901 - Jul 1982) Ann Lamotta (Mar 16, 1916 - Jan 27, 2006) Anna Lamotta Anthony Lamotta Antoinett Lamotta (Dec 9, 1910 - Aug 1995) Antonio Lamotta (Nov 22, 1896 - Jan 1967) Barbara Lamotta (May 31, 1930 - Jun 6, 1999) Benjamin Lamotta (Sep 21, 1891 - Oct 1972) Bridget Lamotta (Jul 29, 1906 - Dec 10, 1989) Carl Lamotta (Jun 5, 1904 - Sep 1982) Carmela Lamotta (Jun 6, 1892 - Nov 1986) Carmelo Lamotta (Jun 15, 1889 - Oct 1966) Casper Lamotta Celia Lamotta (Aug 24, 1924 - Dec 16, 2008) Charles Lamotta Christine Lamotta (May 1, 1911 - Oct 1982) Christopher Lamotta (Born c. 1969) Concetta Lamotta (Nov 12, 1898 - Sep 1982) Daniel Lamotta Deborah Lamotta (May 29, 1939 - Nov 5, 2003) Debra Lamotta (Mar 3, 1965 - Nov 23, 2005) Dolores Lamotta (May 11, 1929 - May 1979) Dominick Lamotta Dorothy Lamotta (May 2, 1911 - Jul 22, 1987) Edith Lamotta (Jun 5, 1918 - May 2, 1990) Edward Lamotta (Jul 30, 1915 - Nov 15, 1997) Elaine Lamotta (Mar 11, 1924 - Sep 1979) Elizabeth Lamotta Elsie Lamotta Emanuel Lamotta (Dec 11, 1907 - Apr 1991) Emil Lamotta (Dec 14, 1897 - Jul 1967) Emily Lamotta (Nov 18, 1910 - Dec 13, 2010) Esther Lamotta (Sep 18, 1924 - Feb 25, 1997) Florence Lamotta (Dec 28, 1900 - Feb 1968) Frances Lamotta Frank Lamotta Gaetano Lamotta (May 25, 1895 - Sep 1979) Gaeton Lamotta (Dec 23, 1917 - Feb 1983) Gary Lamotta Georgia Lamotta (Oct 4, 1915 - Jul 1975) Geraldine Lamotta (Jul 8, 1943 - Sep 25, 1987) Giovanni Lamotta (Aug 3, 1910 - Dec 5, 2007) Gloria Lamotta (Apr 14, 1924 - Aug 1981) Harold Lamotta (Apr 1, 1907 - Feb 1972) Irene Lamotta Jack Lamotta (Born c. 1952) Jake LaMotta (1921 - 2017) James Lamotta Jerome Lamotta (Aug 23, 1924 - Aug 17, 2010) Joe Lamotta (Jul 2, 1909 - Mar 15, 1992) John Lamotta
Joseph Lamotta Josephine Lamotta Julia Lamotta (Feb 19, 1907 - Sep 3, 1995) Julio Lamotta (Apr 15, 1915 - Feb 9, 1996) Julius Lamotta (Jul 6, 1901 - Aug 1972) Karen Lamotta (Born c. 1954) Kenneth Lamotta (Feb 8, 1964 - Jan 20, 2002) Kyle Lamotta (Born c. 1987) Leonard Lamotta (Sep 10, 1900 - Feb 1987) Lisumbu Lamotta (Born c. 1952) Louis Lamotta Louise Lamotta (Apr 20, 1929 - Jun 27, 1995) Margaret Lamotta Maria Lamotta Marian Lamotta (Dec 15, 1906 - Dec 25, 2002) Mario Lamotta (Mar 12, 1907 - Dec 1974) Marion Lamotta (Apr 18, 1913 - Jan 3, 1998) Marshall Lamotta (Feb 9, 1918 - Mar 6, 1999) Mary Lamotta Michael Lamotta Moseka Lamotta (Born c. 1964) Nadia Lamotta (Born c. 1972) Nancy Lamotta (Mar 25, 1925 - Mar 25, 2002) Nellie Lamotta (Jul 10, 1929 - Jun 1981) Orlando Lamotta (Oct 17, 1938 - Apr 5, 2008) Paul Lamotta (Jun 15, 1927 - Apr 17, 1997) Pauline Lamotta Peter Lamotta (Sep 26, 1888 - Oct 1963) Philip Lamotta (Apr 24, 1915 - Apr 9, 1992) Phyllis Lamotta (Jul 18, 1924 - Apr 19, 2002) Raffaella Lamotta (Feb 1, 1911 - Jun 8, 1988) Regina Lamotta (Jun 15, 1912 - Sep 1984) Richard Lamotta (May 20, 1942 - May 11, 2010) Robert Lamotta Rosa Lamotta Rose Lamotta Ross Lamotta (Jun 6, 1930 - Jul 1977) Roy Lamotta (Apr 10, 1912 - Jun 1974) Rudolph Lamotta (Nov 26, 1925 - Apr 1973) Ryan Lamotta (Born c. 1983) Salvatore Lamotta Sam Lamotta (Born c. 1915) Samuel Lamotta (May 15, 1920 - Jun 18, 2004) Sophie Lamotta (Feb 10, 1928 - Jun 1978) Stacy Lamotta (Born c. 1971) Stella Lamotta (Feb 5, 1912 - Jul 1985) Teresa Lamotta (Dec 23, 1888 - Nov 1975) Theodore Lamotta (Apr 3, 1921 - Mar 27, 2001) Thomas Lamotta Tiffany Lamotta (Born c. 1989) Tommie Lamotta (Sep 30, 1911 - May 21, 2005) Tony Lamotta (May 17, 1922 - Mar 7, 2010) Una Lamotta (Jul 17, 1927 - Feb 24, 2007) Vikki Lamotta Vincent Lamotta William Lamotta (Apr 5, 1921 - Oct 1986)
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