People named Geraldine Hollen
Below are 2 people with the first name Geraldine and the last name Hollen. Try the Hollen Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Geraldine Hollen Biographies

Geraldine B Hollen of TX was born circa 1932. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Geraldine B. (Krause) Hollen.
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Hollen biographies alphabetically beginning with Fern and ending with Gerda Hollen.
Fern Hollen (Feb 14, 1902 - Oct 1969)
Fletcher Hollen (Aug 5, 1883 - Sep 1969)
Florence Hollen
Forest Hollen (Sep 30, 1910 - Jan 1975)
Francis Hollen
Frank Hollen
Franklin Hollen (Aug 1, 1909 - Sep 1960)
Fred Hollen
Frederick Hollen (Jan 14, 1919 - Jan 26, 1994)
Freta Hollen (Apr 7, 1902 - Apr 15, 1990)
Gareth Hollen (May 16, 1945 - Jul 6, 2011)
Garland Hollen (Apr 17, 1924 - Jul 19, 2009)
Garnet Hollen (Nov 6, 1901 - Nov 17, 1999)
Gary Hollen
Gay Hollen (Jun 16, 1930 - Apr 4, 2011)
Genie Hollen (Aug 28, 1923 - May 26, 2010)
George Hollen
Georgia Hollen (Jan 24, 1926 - Jul 2, 2010)
Gerald Hollen (Aug 2, 1921 - Aug 9, 1990)
Geraldine Hollen
Gerda Hollen (Sep 25, 1882 - Jun 1973)
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