People named Helen Iver
Below are 2 people with the first name Helen and the last name Iver. Try the Iver Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Helen Iver Biographies

Helen J Iver of Marble, Itasca County, MN was born on September 10, 1920, and died at age 67 years old in January 1988.
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Iver biographies alphabetically beginning with Alex and ending with William Iver.
Alex Iver (Oct 18, 1891 - Oct 1971)
Beulah Iver (Feb 19, 1895 - Oct 24, 1990)
Charles Iver (Jan 28, 1930 - Oct 13, 2008)
Clorene Iver (Apr 13, 1919 - Dec 1992)
Esther Iver (Jan 1, 1903 - Jul 1983)
Eulalie Iver (Feb 10, 1904 - Jul 13, 1992)
George Iver (Aug 19, 1911 - Sep 1975)
Helen Iver
Jeanette Iver (Feb 8, 1921 - Mar 1987)
Justin Iver (Born c. 1979)
Kate Iver (Oct 30, 1927 - Jul 1975)
Kathleen Curtinmac Iver (Mar 26, 1940 - Sep 11, 2007)
Lisa Iver (Born c. 1955)
Margaret Iver (Jun 3, 1907 - May 15, 1993)
Martha Iver (Dec 21, 1906 - Nov 29, 1998)
Morton Iver (Sep 23, 1921 - Sep 23, 2006)
Pamala Iver (Born c. 1979)
Pamela Beranek-Iver (Jun 16, 1948 - Jul 1985)
Randolph Iver (Sep 6, 1949 - May 11, 2004)
Robert Iver
Shirley Iver (Jul 19, 1925 - Jul 1981)
Thelma Iver (Sep 10, 1900 - Jun 1979)
Vivian Iver (Aug 30, 1902 - Nov 1971)
William Iver (Jun 22, 1917 - Apr 11, 2007)